
Joint stock company is a type of business organization that is owned by shareholders who hold shares of its stock. It can also be refer as a type of business organization where the ownership is divided into shares of stock. It is a form of company


Joint-stock company is a business entity in which shares of the company’s stock can be bought and sold by shareholders. Each shareholder owns company stock in proportion, evidenced by their shares

(i)private limited company is typically owned by a small group of individuals or entities, often referred to as shareholders. WHILEpublic limited company, on the other hand, can have an unlimited number of shareholders.

(ii)Private limited companies tend to have a lower minimum share capital requirement compared to public limited companies WHILE Public limited companies often have higher minimum share capital requirements prescribed by law.

(iii)Private limited companies are not allowed to make public offerings of shares or invite the public to subscribe for their shares. WHILE Public limited companies can make initial public offerings (IPOs) to raise capital by issuing shares to the public

(iv)Private limited companies generally have a more flexible and less formal corporate governance structure. WHILE Public limited companies have more extensive corporate governance requirements



(i) A ledger is a book or a collection of accounts that records all financial transactions of a business.
(ii) It serves as a centralized repository that contains multiple accounts.
(iii) Ledgers are used to organize and classify financial data systematically.
(iv) The ledger provides a comprehensive view of all financial transactions across different accounts.
(v) The ledger helps in preparing financial statements and analyzing the overall financial position of the business.
(vi) Ledgers are divided into different categories or sections, such as the general ledger, subsidiary ledgers, or special-purpose ledgers.
(vii) Ledger entries summarize the transactions and provide an overview of the business’s financial activities.

(i) An account is a specific record within a ledger that represents an individual element of the business’s financial transactions.
(ii) It represents a single entity or element, such as an asset, liability, revenue, expense, or equity, within the ledger.
(iii) Accounts provide detailed information about specific transactions related to a particular element of the business.
(iv) Each account contains a summary of transactions related to that specific element, including debits and credits.
(v) Accounts aid in tracking the financial activity of specific elements and help in monitoring their individual balances.
(vii) Account entries provide specific details about the individual transactions related to that particular element.

(i) Building – Real Accounts
(ii) Debtors – Personal Accounts
(iii) Commission Received – Nominal Accounts
(iv) Stock – Real Accounts
(v) Machinery – Real Accounts
(vi) Rent Received – Nominal Accounts
(vii) Insurance – Nominal Accounts
(viii) Creditors – Personal Accounts
(ix) Lightning – Nominal Accounts
(x) Advertising – Nominal Accounts
(xi) Cash – Nominal Accounts
(xii) Furniture and Fittings – Real Accounts.


Product marketing is a business function that focuses on promoting and positioning a product or service in the market to attract and engage customers.

(i) Advertising: Utilize traditional advertising channels such as print media, television, radio, or outdoor billboards to reach a wide audience. Additionally, consider digital advertising platforms like social media ads, search engine marketing, or display ads to target specific demographics.

(ii) Content Marketing: Create informative and engaging content related to your product through blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, or podcasts. Share this content on your website, social media platforms, and relevant industry publications to establish your brand as a thought leader and attract potential customers.

(iii) Influencer Marketing: Collaborate with influential individuals in your industry or niche who have a large following and engage with your target audience. Partnering with influencers to endorse or review your product can help increase brand visibility and credibility.

(iv) Social Media Marketing: Leverage popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn to promote your new product. Create compelling content, run targeted ads, engage with your audience, and encourage user-generated content to generate buzz and foster a community around your brand.

(v) Email Marketing: Build an email list of potential customers and existing clients and send targeted email campaigns to introduce and promote your new product. Highlight its features, benefits, and any special offers or discounts to incentivize purchases.

(vi) Public Relations (PR): Reach out to media outlets, bloggers, and journalists to generate press coverage for your new product. Issue press releases, organize press conferences or media events, and offer product samples for review to gain exposure in relevant publications or online platforms.

(vii) Product Launch Events: Organize a launch event or webinar to unveil your new product. Invite industry influencers, customers, and prospects to witness the product firsthand, provide demonstrations, and share its unique value proposition. Offer exclusive discounts or incentives to encourage immediate purchases.

(viii) Referral Programs and Word-of-Mouth: Implement referral programs that incentivize existing customers to refer your new product to their friends, family, or colleagues. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews and testimonials, and utilize word-of-mouth marketing to amplify the reach and credibility of your product.






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