Water transparency

The concentration of dissolved oxygen in water


A dissolved oxygen (DO) meter is used in fish culture to measure the amount of oxygen dissolved in the water. The meter consists of a probe that is submerged in the water, which measures the concentration of dissolved oxygen. This information helps fish farmers monitor and maintain optimal oxygen levels for the health and well-being of the fish. By regularly monitoring DO levels, adjustments can be made to aeration systems or water exchange rates to ensure adequate oxygen supply, preventing oxygen stress or suffocation in the fish.

(i) It can lead to reduced growth and development in the fishes.
(ii) Increased stress and disease susceptibility.
(iii) It may lead to decreased reproduction
(iv) The Fish may exhibit unusual behaviors.
(v) It can result in increased fish mortality.


Fish waste or fish by-products.

(i) It used as bait for fishing
(ii) It is used for pet food
(iii) It is Processed for fertilizer production
(iv) It is used as a source of Omega-3 fatty acids for animal feed
(v) It is used to make fish oil
(vi) It is processed for the production of fishmeal

(i) Ground and added to animal feed as a source of calcium and phosphorus
(ii) It is used to manufacture bone meal fertilizer
(iii) It is used in the production of gelatin
(iv) It is used to make fish broth
(v) It is used in the production of fish sauce
(vi) It is processed for the production of fish glue.

(i) fish heads fish skin
(ii) fish scales.

(i) Specimen E – Fish food
(ii) Specimen F – Fish feed
(iii) Specimen G – Fish food
(iv) Specimen H – Fish feed
(v) Specimen J – Fish feed

Soya bean cake is protein yielding.

(i) High in protein content
(ii) Contains essential amino acids necessary for fish growth
(iii) Enhances the immune system of fish
(iv) Reduces the risk of bacterial and fungal infections in fish
(v) Promotes faster growth and development of fish
(vi) Cost-effective and readily available.


Purse seine nets are used in commercial fishing to encircle and capture schools of fish. The net is deployed around the fish, forming a closed purse at the bottom to prevent escape. The fish are then hauled in, transferred to the fishing vessel, and the net is released. This method is effective for capturing species like tuna, sardines, and herring in large quantities, ensuring efficient and targeted fishing operations.


Purse seine nets are commonly used in commercial fishing to capture large schools of fish like sardines herring and tuna. The net is a long wall of mesh that is set out in a semicircle around a school of fish and then closed like a purse to trap the fish. The bottom of the net is weighted to sink and keep the fish in while the top of the net floats on the surface. Once the fish are trapped they are hauled aboard the fishing vessel with a winching system.

Specimen R

(i) Clayey soil has smaller particles and higher water retention capacity, which is beneficial for maintaining a consistent water level in the fish pond
(ii) Clayey soil has a higher ability to retain nutrients, which is advantageous for promoting healthy pond ecosystems.
(iii) Clayey soil provides better structural stability, minimizing the risk of pond banks eroding or collapsing.
(iv) Compared to sandy soil, clayey soil has a lower permeability, reducing the leaching of nutrients, fertilizers, and chemicals from the pond into the surrounding environment.
(v) Clayey soil tends to have higher turbidity due to the fine particles, which can help control excessive sunlight penetration.
(vi) Clayey soil generally has a higher buffering capacity, which helps maintain a stable pH level in the pond.

(i) The feed on small fish and fish eggs reducing the fish population in the pond.
(ii) They can compete with fish for food resources negatively affecting the growth and development of fish.
(iii) Frogs can carry and transmit diseases that can be harmful to fish.
(iv) Large numbers of frogs in a pond can lead to oxygen depletion which is harmful to fish.
(v) Frogs can contribute to the accumulation of organic matter in the pond leading to increased levels of ammonia and other harmful compounds.
(vi) Frogs can be seen as a nuisance and can detract from the aesthetic appeal of the pond.

(i) Physical barriers
(ii) Habitat modification
(iii) Chemical control
(iv) Predation
(v) Trapping
(vi) Sound deterrents

(i) Needles and syringes are used to administer vaccines to fish to protect them from disease.
(ii) They are used to administer medication to fish to treat various diseases and infections.
(iii) Theys are used to collect tissue samples from fish for research or diagnostic purposes.
(iv) They are used to administer hormones to fish to promote growth or induce reproduction.
(v) They are used to administer anesthesia to fish prior to surgery or for research purposes.

(i) Proper hygiene practices must be observed to prevent the spread of disease or infection.
(ii) Accurate dosing of medication or vaccines to avoid under or overdosing.
(iii) Proper handling and disposal of needles and syringes
(iv) The appropriate needle size should be used depending on the size of the fish and the depth of injection required.
(v) The type of injection (intramuscular or intraperitoneal) should be selected based on the medication being administered and the intended effect.


(i) Smoked catfish tends to have a stronger and smoky flavor compared to live catfish
(ii) Smoked catfish has a darker and more uniform color compared to live catfish which has a more mottled and patterned appearance.
(iii) Smoked catfish has a longer shelf life compared to live catfish which requires proper storage and refrigeration to avoid spoilage.
(iv) Live catfish is richer in nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids protein and vitamin B12 compared to smoked catfish which may lose some of its nutritional value during the smoking process.
(v) Live catfish is typically less expensive than smoked catfish due to the additional processing and preservation methods used.
(vi) Smoked catfish is ready to eat and requires no further preparation while live catfish requires cleaning descaling and preparation before cooking.
(vii) Smoked catfish may be more widely available in some areas compared to live catfish which may be seasonal or limited to certain regions.

(i) Preparation and Cleaning
(ii) Gutting and Filleting
(iii) Brining
(iv) Drying
(v) Smoking
(vi) Cooling and Storing

(i) Smoked catfish has a longer shelf life than fresh fish.
(ii) Smoking helps to preserve the natural flavor of the fish.
(iii) Smoked catfish can be stored without refrigeration.
(iv) Smoked catfish is easier to transport than live fish.
(v) Smoking provides a way to utilize surplus harvests.
(vi) Smoked catfish can be used in various recipes and cuisines.

(i) Plastic bags
(ii) Vacuum-sealed bags
(iii) Aluminum foil
(iv) Wax paper



(i) Fishing nets
(ii) Fishing lines
(iii) Fishing traps
(iv) Fishing hooks
(v) Fishing spears
(vi) Fishing harpoons
(vii) Fishing seines

(i) Ensure the water quality is suitable for the fingerlings, including temperature, oxygen levels, and pH.
(ii) Quarantine the fingerlings before introducing them to the main fish population to prevent the spread of diseases or parasites.
(iii) Handle the fingerlings carefully to minimize stress and injuries during the stocking process.
(iv) Gradually acclimate the fingerlings to the new water environment by adjusting the temperature and gradually introducing them to the water.
(v) Monitor the fingerlings closely after stocking to ensure they are adapting well and provide appropriate feed and nutrition.

(i) Maintaining optimal water quality parameters such as temperature, dissolved oxygen levels, pH, and ammonia levels.
(ii) Providing appropriate and nutritious feed for the fry, such as microalgae or finely ground commercial fish feed.
(iii) Regular monitoring of water quality parameters and adjusting them as needed.
(iv) Maintaining a suitable stocking density to prevent overcrowding and competition for resources.
(v) Regular cleaning and maintenance of the nursery tank to remove excess waste and prevent the build-up of harmful bacteria or toxins.
(vi) Implementing a proper lighting regime to simulate day and night cycles, which helps regulate the fry’s behavior and growth.
(vii) Regularly grading or sorting the fry based on size to minimize size-related competition and ensure uniform growth.
(viii) Minimizing stress on the fry by avoiding sudden changes in water parameters or handling them gently during any necessary transfers or procedures.

(i) Fishermen
(ii) Wholesalers
(iii) Retailers


Fish packaging is the process of appropriately packing and preserving fish and seafood products for storage, transportation, and sale.

(i) Plastic Bags
(ii) Styrofoam Trays
(iii) Vacuum-Sealed Pouches
(iv) Wax-Coated Cardboard Boxes
(v) Ice Packs or Gel Packs

(i) It provides adequate protection to the fish during handling
(ii) It maintains the freshness of the fish
(iii) It ensures the safety of the fish and the consumers
(iv) It is strong and durable enough to withstand the rigors of transportation and storage
(v) It is compatible with the type of fish being packaged

(i) Subsistence fisheries involves small-scale operations WHILE Industrial fisheries involves large-scale operations.
(ii) Subsistence fisheries helps secure food for local consumption WHILE Industrial fisheries are driven by economic motives.
(iii) Subsistence fisheries rely on rudimentary fishing methods WHILE Industrial fisheries employ advanced technology and equipment.
(iv) Subsistence fisheries have a lower environmental impact WHILE Industrial fisheries have significant environmental impacts.

(i) Water Quality
(ii) Oxygenation
(iii) Density and Space
(iv) Temperature Control
(v) Duration of Transport
(vi) Container Design

(i) Wood Chips
(ii) Sawdust
(iii) Wood Pellets
(iv) Herbs and Spices
(v) Tea Leaves
(vi) Fruit Peels



Fish pond fertilization refers to the practice of adding nutrients to a fish pond to enhance the growth of phytoplankton and zooplankton, which serve as a natural food source for fish.


Fish pond fertilization is addition of nutrients to enhance plankton growth, promoting a healthy food chain, and increasing fish production in aquaculture systems.

(i) It is essential to assess the existing water quality in the pond before applying any fertilizers.
(ii) The size and depth of the pond play a role in determining the amount of fertilizer needed.
(iii) The number of fish stocked in the pond is a critical consideration.
(iv) It is important to select a suitable type of fertilizer that provides the necessary nutrients for the pond and the fish.
(v) Fish farmers should consider the potential environmental impact of fertilizers on the surrounding ecosystem.

(i) Low levels of dissolved oxygen can lead to increased stress among fish.
(ii) It limit their ability to efficiently convert food into energy, resulting in slower growth rates.
(iii) Low dissolved oxygen can cause fish to exhibit abnormal behavior.
(iv) Low dissolved oxygen can contribute to the increase of harmful algal blooms.
(v) It can lead to disturbed aquatic ecosystem

(i) It allows for better distribution of nutrients from uneaten feed and fish accumulated waste throughout the pond, benefiting the overall ecosystem and promoting natural nutrient cycling.
(ii) Allowing some time between feeding and water drainage helps maintain more stable water conditions

(i) Inshore fisheries
(ii) Offshore fisheries
(iii) Deep-sea fisheries

(i) Natural water sources
(ii) Rainwater
(iii) Groundwater
(iv) Surface runoff
(v) Irrigation canals
(vi) Water reservoirs


(i) Pond seining
(ii) Cast netting
(iii) Gill netting
(iv) Hand netting

(i) Gutting
(ii) Filleting
(iii) Drying
(iv) Smoking
(v) Canning
(vi) Freezing

(i) Salting
(ii) Drying
(iii) Smoking
(iv) Fermentation

(i) Refrigeration
(ii) Vacuum packing
(iii) Chemical preservatives
(iv) Irradiation
(v) High-pressure processing

(i) Poor water quality, such as high levels of ammonia, nitrites, or low dissolved oxygen can kill fish fry.
(ii) Change in temperature can shock fish fry and potentially cause death.
(iii) Predation by larger fish, birds, or other aquatic organisms.
(iv) Diseases and parasitic infections which can lead to death.
(v) Inadequate feeding practices can result in malnutrition leading to increased mortality.

Algal bloom in fisheries refers to excessive growth of algae in water due to human activities, impacting fish populations through toxins, oxygen depletion, and disruption of the food web.


Algal bloom refers to the rapid and excessive growth of algae in bodies of water, such as oceans, lakes, or rivers.


(i) Poor smoking techniques, improper drying, inadequate packaging, or contamination can lead to reduced product quality, making it difficult to sell at desired prices or meet consumer expectations.
(ii) Insects and pests can infest stored smoked-dried clarias, causing damage and reducing the overall market value
(iii) Inadequate drying or packaging techniques can result in smoked-dried clarias retaining moisture which leads to spoilage, mold growth, and a shorter shelf life, resulting in economic losses
(iv) Inappropriate storage conditions can lead to quality deterioration, spoilage, or rancidity, causing economic losses.
(v) Inefficient packaging can result in product damage, contamination, or a shorter shelf life, leading to economic losses.
(vi) If there is a lack of demand for smoked-dried clarias, oversupply in the market, or if the product is priced too high compared to market competition, it can result in slow sales or reduced profitability for sellers, leading to economic losses.

(i) Adding agricultural lime or dolomite to the water to increase its alkalinity
(ii) Installing aeration devices to increase oxygen levels in the water
(iii) Changing the water more frequently to dilute the acidic components
(iv) Avoiding the use of acid-based fertilizers near the pond area
(v) Adding crushed oyster shells or coral to the pond to increase alkalinity
(vi) Monitoring and adjusting the water chemistry regularly to maintain optimal conditions

(i) Agricultural lime
(ii) Dolomite
(iii) Ash from wood or rice husks
(iv) Crushed coral or shell
(vi) Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
(vi) Calcium carbonate (chalk or limestone)

To calculate the quantity required for the pond, we need to convert the pond size to hectares.

Pond size: 10 m x 20 m x 1.5 m = 300 cubic meters
1 hectare = 10,000 square meters

Area of the pond = length x breadth = 10 m x 20 m = 200 square meters
Quantity required = (200/10,000) x 2,000 kg = 40 kg

Therefore, the farmer would require 40 kg of the substance to improve the water in the pond.

To calculate the quantity of fish required to be stocked in the pond:

Pond size: 10 m x 20 m = 200 square meters
Quantity of fish = Stocking rate x Pond area = 10 fish/m x 200 m^2 = 2000 fish

Therefore, the quantity of fish required to be stocked in the pond is 2000 fish.

(i) Catfish
(ii) Tilapia
(iii) African bonytongue
(iv) Giant freshwater prawn
(v) Nile perch
(vi) Heteroclarias

(i) Secchi Disc: Water transparency or clarity
(ii) Thermometer: Water temperature




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